Picking Carts
Reducing piece picking cost and shipping errors
Picking carts designed for complex distribution centres that ship a wide variety of products and small lots.
The carts inform the operator what products require picking, as well as the relevant quantities and storage shelves, based on the work-order data. This function helps to minimise shipping errors and improve productivity, as well as reducing on-site workload.
Improved productivity
Picking carts are equipped with a wide range of functions to assist on-site tasks and reduce unnecessary work.
Main features
- Optimized product picking instructions
- Inspection completed at the same time as picking (on picking carts with weight inspection functionality)
- Intuitive operation
ISHIDA picking carts eliminate the extra work involved in preparing typical picking lists and post-picking inspection for correcting shipment errors. They're the perfect solution for warehouses struggling with cost reduction or labour shortages.
ISHIDA's proprietary optimization logics enable high-efficiency picking
Shortest walking route logic
The cart suggests the quickest route based on location data. This enables the operator to carry out the picking work efficiently by simply following the instructions on the cart to take the shortest available route.
Multi-hit data extraction logic
The cart extracts the best order combinations which one operator processes single item picking as many stores as possible. This reduces time spent walking back and forth, increases in the number of orders picked per day and leads to reduction of working hours.
Congestion-free logic
The cart directs the best working route to avoid congestion area at the starting point by monitoring entire work processing status. This prevents reductions in picking efficiency due to congestion before they occur.
Minimises incorrect shipments due to picking errors
By combining EAN code scanning with high-precision weight inspection eliminates human errors as maximum as possible. This speeds up work progress drastically, and also helps to significantly improve shipping accuracy. (Carts with weight inspection functionality only.)
Flexible options depending on use
In addition to carts with weight inspection functionality, we also provide tablet carts, where tablets are installed onto customer equipment.
Saimaru Picking Carts with Built-in Weight Inspection Functionality
Saimaru picking carts feature a built-in scale, allowing users to conduct weight inspection at the same time as picking.
Saimaru Tablet Carts
Low-cost multi-order picking solution installing the tablet device to the existing carts