1893 Founded as Ishida Scales Mfg. Co.
1933 Completion of Ishida's constant-sensitivity automatic scales
1948 Reformed as Ishida Scales Mfg. Co. Ltd
1953 Launch of first automatic upper-pan scales in Japan
1959 Launch of first automatic weigher
1967 Ryuichi Ishida becomes company president
1968 Shiga factory opened (currently called "Shiga site")
1969 Launch of world's first electronic weighing scales (Digital 75)
1972 World's first computer scales "ACW" revolutionises the food packaging industry
1975 Launch of "DACS" checkweigher
1977 Development of Japan's first load-cell industrial scales
1979 Launch of CCW Series
1980 Launch of CCW-LC Series and DACS-CPU checkweigher
1982 Launch of CCW-RC/RLC Series
1985 Ishida Europe founded (in UK)
1987 Launch and introduction of distribution system "IDAS" / Launch of DACS-LC checkweigher
1988 Launch and introduction of POS system "I.Pro21" / Launch of CCW-Z Series
Launch of Automatic Weigher and Sealer "Wmini-EX"
Daelim Ishida Scales Mfg. Co. fouinded (now Ishida Manufacturing Korea)
1990 Ishida do Brasil founded (Brazil) / Launch of DACS-V checkweigher
1993 Ishida centenery year. Company name and corporate symbols changed
Technology centre complete
Automatic Case Packer (ACP-201) launched and introduced into box making and packing industry
Officially recognised as a "Designated Manufacturing Business"
1996 Launch of bagmaker "APEX", CCW-NZ Series, DACS-W checkweigher, and ID-3 metal detector
1997 Ishida Malaysia founded / Launch of "POPingNETZ" retail system software
1998 Launch of Japan's first "wireless electronic shelf labelling system"
2000 Shanghai Ishida Electronic Scales Co., Ltd. founded (China)
2001 Ishida Thailand founded (Thailand) / Launch of ACP-GENE Automatic case packer
2003 Launch of "ASTRO" bagmaker
2004 Launch of IX-G X-ray detection systems
2005 Ishida Canada founded
2006 Launch of Wmini-UNI wrapper
2007 New service centre completed / Launch of iSP-1130 POS system
Ishida Korea and Ishida India founded
2009 Awarded Order of the Rising Sun (Company President Ryuichi Ishida) / Launch of DM-ESL
2010 Takahide Ishida becomes company president / Launch of ACP-301 Automatic case packer
2011 Launch of Dtop-UNI, the world's smallest automatic weigher/wrapper / Launch of IX-G2
2012 Ishida Indonesia and Ishida Vietnam founded / Launch of iSP-1190, E1-ESL, CCW-RV Series
2013 Ishida's 120th anniversary. New logo adopted / Launch of POPingNetz X and ACP-501
Process technology centre opened
2014 Launch of iSP-1210, DACS-GN Series, ACP-600, IVIS-GE
2015 New Shiga site opened
Launch of dynamic weighing system "IMAS-G", WM-AI, IX-GN, IX-EN
2016 Introduction into Medical system market