WM-AI VF Compact Weighing / Wrapping / Manual labeling machine

WM-AI VF  is a compact weighing, wrapping, and manual labeling machine that can meet a variety of wrapping needs.
Fruits & Vegetables and tray products with various sizes and shapes can be wrapped with the most appropriate stretch by WM-AI VF.
It enables anyone to quickly and nicely wrap fruit and vegetables by easy operation without requiring skill or experience.

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WM-AI VF Compact Weighing / Wrapping / Manual labeling machine

WM-AI VF  is a compact weighing, wrapping, and manual labeling machine that can meet a variety of wrapping needs.
Fruits & Vegetables and tray products with various sizes and shapes can be wrapped with the most appropriate stretch by WM-AI VF.
It enables anyone to quickly and nicely wrap fruit and vegetables by easy operation without requiring skill or experience.

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Product Details

Improved wrapping performance

1. Torque wrapping

Torque wrapping is a function that automatically determines individual differences such as product size and corrects wrapping strength accordingly. It enables operators to nicely wrap fruits and vegetables of different sizes and shapes, as well as trays of different sizes and materials, with the most appropriate strtch.

2. Simple 

Just select the wrapping condition by key and simply place the product on the infeed part of WM-AI VF to wrap. Products with different sizes can be wrapped as long as they have the same shape. 

3. Stable 

Small sized products that required plastic trays can now be wrapped by improving the shape of lifts. The products with round shape can be wrapped stably as well without rolling around. 


4. Quiet

Operating noise is less than previous model, so wrapping operation can be carried out in worker-friendly environment with a stress-free. Operating noise has been reduced by 15% (based on internal comparisons).

5. More wrapping

Wrapping speed has been increased, allowing more products to be wrapped in less time.


Easier to use

1 .Compatible with the LX series

The operation screen has been unified with the automatic weigh/wrap/labeling machine WM-AI LX series. for an even more user-friendly operation.

2. High/low price check function

Check whether the quantity of weighing products is appropriate based on the selling price. This helps you to determine reasonable pricing. 

3. Lightweight products

Products with its weight is less than 20 g, which were previously unwrappable, can now be wrapped (minimum weight of 10 g). 
Note: Labels can only be printed for products with its weight is 20 g or more.

Lightweight products

4. Easy product reloading

The wider space of infeed part enables various products to be wrapped efficiently. 

Easy product reloading

5. Simple film loading

The film loading part can be pulled out with one hand and a roll of film can be easily replaced. 

Simple film loading

6. Operation support

The work of operator, such as replacing roll of label and film, is supported by a video manual through the screen 2D code. 

7. Easy-to-clean structure

Units that garbage easily accumulate can be removed and cleaned separately.


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