
  • 1893 Founded as Ishida Scales Mfg. Co.

  • 1933 Completion of Ishida's constant-sensitivity automatic scales

  • 1948 Reformed as Ishida Scales Mfg. Co. Ltd

  • 1953 Launch of first automatic upper-pan scales in Japan

  • 1959 Launch of first automatic weigher

  • 1967 Ryuichi Ishida becomes company president

  • 1968 Shiga factory opened (currently called "Shiga site")

  • 1969 Launch of world's first electronic weighing scales (Digital 75)

  • 1972 World's first computer scales "ACW" revolutionises the food packaging industry

  • 1975 Launch of "DACS" checkweigher

  • 1977 Development of Japan's first load-cell industrial scales

  • 1979 Launch of CCW Series

  • 1980 Launch of CCW-LC Series and DACS-CPU checkweigher

  • 1982 Launch of CCW-RC/RLC Series

  • 1985 Ishida Europe founded (in UK)

    history IE original building
  • 1987 Launch and introduction of distribution system "IDAS" / Launch of DACS-LC checkweigher

  • 1988 Launch and introduction of POS system "I.Pro21" / Launch of CCW-Z Series

             Launch of Automatic Weigher and Sealer "Wmini-EX"

             Daelim Ishida Scales Mfg. Co. fouinded (now Ishida Manufacturing Korea)

  • 1990 Ishida do Brasil founded (Brazil) / Launch of DACS-V checkweigher

  • 1993 Ishida centenery year. Company name and corporate symbols changed

             Technology centre complete

             Automatic Case Packer (ACP-201) launched and introduced into box making and packing industry

             Officially recognised as a "Designated Manufacturing Business"

  • 1996 Launch of bagmaker "APEX", CCW-NZ Series, DACS-W checkweigher, and ID-3 metal detector

  • 1997 Ishida Malaysia founded / Launch of "POPingNETZ" retail system software

  • 1998 Launch of Japan's first "wireless electronic shelf labelling system"

  • 2000 Shanghai Ishida Electronic Scales Co., Ltd. founded (China)

  • 2001 Ishida Thailand founded (Thailand) / Launch of ACP-GENE Automatic case packer

  • 2003 Launch of "ASTRO" bagmaker

  • 2004 Launch of IX-G X-ray detection systems

  • 2005 Ishida Canada founded

  • 2006 Launch of Wmini-UNI wrapper

  • 2007 New service centre completed / Launch of iSP-1130 POS system

             Ishida Korea and Ishida India founded

  • 2009 Awarded Order of the Rising Sun (Company President Ryuichi Ishida) / Launch of DM-ESL

  • 2010 Takahide Ishida becomes company president / Launch of ACP-301 Automatic case packer

  • 2011 Launch of Dtop-UNI, the world's smallest automatic weigher/wrapper / Launch of IX-G2

  • 2012 Ishida Indonesia and Ishida Vietnam founded / Launch of iSP-1190, E1-ESL, CCW-RV Series

  • 2013 Ishida's 120th anniversary. New logo adopted / Launch of POPingNetz X and ACP-501

             Process technology centre opened

  • 2014 Launch of iSP-1210, DACS-GN Series, ACP-600, IVIS-GE

  • 2015 New Shiga site opened

             Launch of dynamic weighing system "IMAS-G", WM-AI, IX-GN, IX-EN

  • 2016 Introduction into Medical system market